A residence permit is a special document that foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive. This document confirms their right to permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, free entry into the country, exit from it at their own discretion.

The definition of a residence permit is contained in a special federal law, which establishes the basis for the legal status of foreigners on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the specified normative act, a residence permit is considered a document confirming the right of a foreigner, a stateless person to permanently reside in Russia. In the presence of the specified document, the designated categories of persons can, at their own discretion, move through the territory of the country, leave its borders and return back, at the same time the residence permit acts as a document proving their identity. That is why it is possible to acquire a residence permit only in the form of an ordinary paper document, it is not provided in electronic form.
What information does the residence permit include?
A residence permit includes information that allows you to identify the person to whom this document was issued. In particular, it indicates the surname, first name, gender, citizenship, date of birth, place of birth, validity period of the document, details of the decision in accordance with which it was issued. The name and surname of the person who received the residence permit is indicated in two versions: Russian and Latin. In addition, the document includes the name of the authority that issued the residence permit. An additional requirement when applying for a residence permit is to obtain information about the biometric data of the person, for which the applicant is photographed, fingerprinted (provided that he reaches the age of 12 years).
How is a residence permit issued?
A residence permit can be issued by foreigners, as well as stateless persons who have already received a permit confirming the right of temporary residence in Russia. At the same time, a prerequisite for considering an appeal is permanent residence for a year or more in the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with a previously obtained permit, until the termination of the validity period of which there is a six-month or more period. If a citizen meets the specified conditions, then he can send a statement of intent to obtain a residence permit at the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service. Upon satisfaction of this application, the person receives a residence permit for a five-year period, after which he can apply for its extension. You should apply for an extension in advance, and the legislation does not limit the total number of possible extensions.