Democracy makes it possible for any citizen of the country to freely express their will and take part in governing the state in accessible and legal ways. These methods include the right of any capable citizen over 18 years of age, enshrined in federal law, to create their own political parties.

Step 1
First of all, a little theory. A political party is created freely; this does not require the permission of state authorities and officials. Any all-Russian social movement or organization can be transformed into a political party at the congress of the movement or organization. At such a congress, a charter and a program should be adopted, as well as the governing bodies of the party should be formed.
Step 2
Since its inception, the party can carry out outreach activities.
Please note that the data on the new party must be entered in the unified state register of legal entities.
Step 3
So, create an organizing committee for the future party, it should include at least 10 people. Then notify the federal executive body of your intention to create a political party in writing, specifying its intended name.
Step 4
Send to the designated authority information about the members of the organizing committee (surnames, names and patronymics, dates of birth, citizenship and contact numbers). Attach the minutes of the meeting of the organizing committee, which indicates the purpose of creating the committee, the term of office (no more than one year), location, the procedure for using funds and other property, information about the member of the committee who is authorized to open a current account to form funds of the organizing committee and conclude civil contracts to ensure the activities of the committee. The data on the authorized person must be as complete as possible: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, citizenship and passport data.
Step 5
After that, the federal body, on the day of receipt of the listed documents, issues to the authorized person a document confirming his powers. Then, the organizing committee of the party, within a month from the date of issue of the above document, must publish information about the intention to create a political party in an all-Russian periodical.
Step 6
Hold the founding congress of the party, after which the organizing committee must cease its activities, and the funds raised (the budget of the party is formed by donations from citizens) and other property are transferred to the created political party. Publish information about the founding congress in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", no later than one month before the day of the convocation of the congress. In turn, the named newspaper publishes information on the place and date of the congress of a political party free of charge within two weeks from the date of submission of this information to the publication.
Step 7
The constituent congress is considered competent only if delegates representing more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and living mainly in these regions took part in its work. Each specified subject of the Russian Federation must be represented by at least three delegates.
Step 8
After the founding congress has been held and a decision has been made to create a political party, it is necessary to publish in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" the main provisions of the political party's program.