If the magistrate hearing your case commits serious violations, you have every right to replace him. When filing a complaint against a magistrate, you must be guided by Article 16 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 1
At the beginning of any case, the Justice of the Peace must ask you if you trust him with your interests. However, even if you say no, this will not be a reason for challenging the judge. You can file a complaint against a judge only if you are sure that he is taking sufficiently inappropriate actions towards you.
Step 2
The challenge must be motivated, which is why the application must contain "iron" arguments. It should be borne in mind that the new employee of the court may be even worse than the previous one. First, you show the challenge to the judge himself, he must make a decision on whether there are grounds for this or not.
Step 3
If your Justice of the Peace refuses to challenge himself, you can contact the Qualifying Collegium of Judges in your region. However, an appeal to this instance is possible only if the violations committed by your judge are of a sufficiently serious nature. In the absence of any reaction, you have the right to file a complaint with the High Qualification Collegium of Judges, which is located in the capital.
Step 4
It so happens that the magistrate is a professional in his field, but rude, like the last trader in the bazaar. In this case, you can visit the chairman of the district court, who is responsible for the activities of the magistrate. At your request, the fined court officer will receive an official warning, and his activities may also be subject to a thorough check.
Step 5
There is another option - to complain about the judge to the press. It is enough to invite a journalist to the hearing of your case, if he really discovers that the behavior of the magistrate does not comply with the existing regulations, he will definitely write a corresponding report. After the publication of the article, the actions of the judge may be subject to review by the regulatory authorities.