The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a digital code by which the deducted taxes from the official work of a citizen are received. It is assigned to each person who has reached the age of majority and is issued only once in a lifetime. However, there are situations requiring the restoration of a certificate of assignment of an individual number, for example, in case of its loss.

Step 1
In case of loss, the TIN certificate can be restored. To do this, you need to contact the tax authority at the place of issue of the previous certificate or to another at the place of residence, taking with you an identity document indicating registration at this address. You should write a statement about the loss of the document according to a special template, which is filled out very carefully and clearly. In addition to passport data, the exact address of the place of residence, as well as the index and date of the last registration, must be entered in the application form. In a certain column, it is advisable to indicate information that the certificate of assignment of an individual number was lost.
Step 2
It is important to know that in order to restore the lost TIN, you need to provide a receipt for payment for this type of tax service. The fact is that initially this document is issued completely free of charge. But for re-issuing the TIN certificate, you will need to pay 200 rubles. In cases where urgent restoration of the certificate is required, payment of 400 rubles is provided. The issuance of a new TIN document is made before the expiration of 5 working days from the date of application.
Step 3
Currently, a new online service is gaining particular popularity, which is organized by the Federal Tax Service (FTS) to improve the quality of service to taxpayers. Now individuals who have lost their taxpayer number certificate can obtain information via the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the official service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and fill in all the required fields indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and passport data.
Step 4
The procedure for restoring a certificate with an individual number via the Internet is no different from a virtual one. It is required to fill out an online form indicating all personal data, including leaving contact information for subsequent communication. As soon as the new TIN document is ready, the tax service will certainly inform the applicant about this and say when and where it can be collected.