Copyright is the exclusive right to use objects protected by copyright or related rights. The copyright is limited in time: after the period stipulated by the law, the copyright object passes into the public domain.

Step 1
The main ways of using a work have been known since the first copyright law (1709) - copying (reproduction), distribution of copies of the work (publication), public display, public performance of the work. Later, they were added to the practical implementation of an architectural or design project, import, rental of a work, as well as a message for general information (by radio, television, cable or the Internet).
Step 2
The copyright is originally owned by the author (or co-authors) of the work - upon the fact of its creation. The author and only the author own the rights to use the work in any way or to transfer these rights at their discretion, therefore such rights are called exclusive. The author can transfer the exclusive rights to use the work - in whole or in part - to any individual or legal entity. For the transferred rights, the new copyright holder pays a fee to the author. After that, the right to use the work in any way passes to the new copyright holder.
Step 3
The copyright is limited in time. After the death of the author, exclusive rights pass to his heirs. 75 years after the death of the author, the work goes into the public domain.
Step 4
In some cases, the law allows the free reproduction of a work without paying remuneration to the copyright holder. In particular, this is how the original or copies of the work lawfully put into circulation are distributed after their sale (this does not apply to works of painting, sculpture, architecture).