Image copyright is a set of powers that arise for the creator of a painting, photographic image, or otherwise obtained image. The specified complex includes the right of the author to a name, the right to disclosure and the inviolability of the image, the right of authorship.

Step 1
Image copyright is a special set of non-property rights that the creator of any work receives immediately after its appearance. In this case, the image must be made by a specific subject, and the method of its creation is of no fundamental importance. Copyright protects images that relate to objects of painting, photographic works, drawings and pictures created in other ways. Co-authorship is also allowed, in which the corresponding rights belong to several persons.
Step 2
The author should not specifically announce the creation of his work, register the arisen right to the image in any body, make the created object public. For the emergence of the relevant powers, it is enough to create an image by the creative work of the author or a team of authors. Along with the non-property rights, the author also owns the exclusive right, which allows the use of the work for any purpose. Civil law prohibits other persons from using the copyrighted image without the permission of the author, the presence of a license agreement.
Step 3
The law allows the author of an image to mark his own work with a copyright mark, which informs others about the existence of a valid copyright for this object. At the same time, for all works, including photographs and other images, a single period of validity of the exclusive right is established, which constitutes the period of the author's life, to which should be added seventy years after his death. Only after the expiration of the specified period, the image goes into the public domain. If there are several authors, their right is valid until the death of the last of them, after which it also remains in force for seventy years.
Step 4
Using the image without the permission of the author may entail bringing to civil liability at the request of the person whose right has been violated. In this case, the author or rightholder may demand material compensation within the limits determined by law or payment for the use of the work, if it can be calculated. The presence of a valid license or sub-license agreement requires the payment of a certain fee, therefore, such users cannot be held liable.