Is it possible to be a public person (a person who works with people) and not waste time creating an image? I'll tell you no.

Sometimes they object to me - but what about Steve Jobs with his permanent black turtleneck and jeans. He showed with all his appearance that he did not care how he looked! Let me tell you a little secret - this image of “a simple guy who doesn't care about conventions” was commissioned by Jobs from the famous Japanese fashion designer Issei Miyaki. Moreover, Steve had a whole closet of identical black turtlenecks - more than a hundred. A black turtleneck and jeans are a specially invented image, it is also an image.
People are not born with an image. It is thought over and made for a specific task. Hair, clothes, cars - they all tell a story about you. It is better to prepare in advance so that there is no embarrassment. You have heard stories when a girl, an excellent professional in her field, is treated simply as a beautiful face and point-blank does not want to notice her mind.
Let's be honest, it just so happened historically that business is a man's world. When a woman gets into it and tries to achieve something herself, she realizes that the requirements for her are much higher than for the stronger sex.
For a long time, the fact has been known: they are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds. And it's useless to argue with that. Scientists and psychologists from all over the world have come together in one general theory of first impressions. It is this, in their opinion, that leaves the very mark that forms the primary and sometimes the main opinion.
An image is an image artificially created for a specific task. With the help of clothes, hairstyles, accessories, external attributes such as a car, house, environment, a certain impression is formed about a person. And with the help of these same external attributes, the impression of the people around you can be controlled.
If you want to create the impression of a modern business woman, here are some tips:
You should always adhere to the rules of neatness and neatness.
1. Condition of hands, hair, correct daytime makeup
Social communication involves the creation of a certain style, where hands are the basis of the official image. The absence of a beautiful manicure, sloppiness is absolutely not allowed. Despite laziness and fatigue, attention should be paid to the nails regularly. There are gestures that draw interest in the hands, such as shaking hands. It is better to give them a decent look than to feel awkward.
But hands are not everything. A woman is often judged by her neatness and grooming.
Dirty, unstyled hair, improperly chosen daytime makeup - a student or a housewife can afford this, not a girl striving to achieve success in society.
2. Business suit
In any organization, institution, a woman will be judged by her clothes. They will pay attention to how the image is constructed, whether the colors are correctly combined, whether the shell as a whole looks stylish.
Do not allow yourself anything superfluous in an individual style. Classics are the basis of a business image. The extreme look is best reserved for other occasions. Jackets, blouses, trousers, pencil skirts help to look feminine and attractive.
3. Facial expressions and manner of communication
The facial expression must strictly correspond to the specific situation. Sometimes it is very difficult to change a simple smile for a solid look. This art requires a lot of training, in which the mirror helps perfectly. Posture, no slouching make you feel comfortable. The audience does not like it when a person closes off from society by crossing his arms. This gesture shows a lack of readiness for dialogue. Respect for people makes it possible to gain respect for yourself.
Playing by the rules
A modern lady who has learned to cope with the role of a business woman should be aware of the unspoken norms of behavior that exist in her close social circles. It is necessary to improve your ability to speak and act so as not to jeopardize the image, but, on the contrary, to strengthen its reputation. Let's highlight the basic rules that help you not to find yourself in a stupid situation.
1. Do not be afraid of handshakes
Stretching out the hand during the first meeting if there is a man in front of her is an important rule of official relations.
2. Don't be ashamed of clarification
Accuracy is the key to good business. A timely clarified point allows you to avoid a number of unpleasant situations in the future. Clarifications do not refer to inattention; rather, on the contrary, they emphasize responsibility and scrupulousness in solving most issues.
3. If there are delays, they must be correct.
Although … you need to get rid of this habit immediately. Correctly planned time is an attribute of the image of a business woman. Sometimes unexpected situations happen. If possible, it is better to warn in advance so as not to look like a person who is not responsible for his words.
4. Try to be always in touch
The style of a modern woman is individual and unique. An important place in it is occupied by the ability to be in touch at the right moment. Mobile phone, Skype will become the main assistants.
It is not at all easy to have a good impeccable social image in society. But such a role disciplines, helps to be in shape and not to stop before difficulties.
5. Follow your profile on social networks
When a stylish, unique, beautiful, neat, calm and elegant image is formed, it is important not to lose the created brand. You can spoil the first impression by the discrepancy between the external image and personality in social networks.
The emergence of social networks destroys any previously built image. In order to preserve your image and not break the image of a successful person, you need to sensibly treat posting on social networks. Post on social media the information that will speak of you as a professional. Because once you become a public person, you have no right to succumb to emotional impulses and spread everything indiscriminately.
Think a social media page is also your image. They look at you and look up to you. You are appreciated and talked about. Share something personal with your friends when you meet. Not only candid photos, photos on vacation, but also depressive, aggressive, abnormal, illiterate entries, false information, obscene videos and low-quality music can completely spoil the image.
6. Work on your speech
The creation of an image also includes such a component as speech. The words of a successful woman should flow like music, flow and sparkle like silk waves. Prepare for yourself clear, well-structured phrases, complete sentences, beautiful statements. Add to this a list of interesting books - both popular and obscure ones - to be able to interest your listeners.
The modern world with its impermanence, eternal changes and frivolity has led to the emergence of a mass of different images, images for women. You can choose absolutely any, the main thing is to clearly determine for yourself exactly where the femme fatale, sweet girl or socialite is suitable, and where - Cinderella, doll or teacher.
Do not immerse yourself in a certain image too much, a woman should be able to get out of it and change her image for a new situation.