Psychologists assure that the dismissal of a seller who has not coped with his duties is a mistake of the manager even at the stage of hiring this seller. Therefore, when choosing personnel who must effectively and efficiently sell goods, it is necessary to pay attention to their personal characteristics and professional skills.

- notebook and pen
- Internet access (to view the resume)
- phone (for calling interesting candidates)
Step 1
Determine for yourself what qualities the future salesperson should have. As a rule, he should have some experience in the field of sales, be able to use a computer or cash register, be able to persuade or persuade to buy.
Step 2
Prepare tables or charts for the beginning of the interview, which you will fill out based on the candidate's answers. These tables can contain the main questions, opposite which the answer will be put down, a list of competencies and the candidate's compliance with them, existing skills, his desire to work in this particular company, the ability to learn, the ability to communicate in a team. Opposite each item, the manager must put down an assessment on a 5-point scale or the usual ranking "+" and "-".
Step 3
Conduct interviews over several rounds, gradually weeding out candidates. It is better to invite a second specialist or deputy to the interview so that he can ask clarifying questions and record on paper additional characteristics of the candidate that were revealed during the conversation.
Step 4
Let the candidate ask 3 questions that they are interested in regarding the given job. The questions posed must be answered, even if the candidate is not suitable.
Step 5
Do not interrupt the candidate, listen to his opinion about the future work, evaluate his speech, because it will be important in the sales process. Thanks to this approach, the leader will be able to identify the skills of work in the field of trade and determine the degree of importance of the vacancy for the salesperson. Perhaps this candidate is just tired of idleness, and tries himself in a new position. Another option is the desire to work and earn. In this case, even if the candidate does not have experience and knowledge, he will be easily trained and will bring a good profit to the organization.