The profession of a flight attendant has long lost its former prestige and elitism that were characteristic of it 20-30 years ago. Representatives of this profession understand that they will face overload, grueling shifts on their legs, nervous passengers and a lack of career growth. However, these shortcomings are not so serious, because there are many advantages in the work of a flight attendant.

Step 1
Potential candidates almost always undergo training prior to hiring. At the courses, flight attendants are taught not only specific knowledge necessary for future work, but also universal skills (first aid, a foreign language, the ability to communicate with passengers). As you know, after 30-35 years, most flight attendants end their careers, but their experience and knowledge make it possible to get a decent job in any other area.
Step 2
Meeting new people, visiting new cities and countries provide an excellent opportunity to get new ideas for the future. The stewardess has the opportunity to see the world and outline for herself prospects for future life. For example, moving to another country, studying at a large university, or simply working in the same position, but in a larger airline.
Step 3
One of the main and indisputable advantages in the work of a flight attendant is associated with numerous travels. Of course, conditions vary. Sometimes the crew does not even leave the airport area, but in some cases it is possible to stay in any place for several days. It all depends on the directions and the airline: flight attendants often spend a couple of days in beautiful cities or at sea, having the opportunity to relax. Many girls really like this way of life, since there is certainly no talk of boring life and monotony. The atmosphere of airports and hotels has its own romance and its own conveniences. If the flight attendant is not tied by family and relationships, she can devote all her free time from work to herself, development, recreation or a hobby. Flight attendants spend no more than 76 hours in the air per month, so there is enough time for everything else.
Step 4
There are many examples around when flight attendants arrange their personal lives precisely because of their work. An ordinary girl, even the most educated and beautiful, has little chance of spending several hours in an enclosed space next to a billionaire. A flight attendant serving business class on a transatlantic flight faces similar situations all the time. There is no shame in making a promising acquaintance in such circumstances: the usual exchange of phone numbers will not violate corporate ethics, but at the same time it can change the fate of the girl.
Step 5
Of course, a stewardess should not expect fabulous income from her work. However, the salary of a flight attendant is quite decent and depends on the flying experience, experience and the airline. In addition, stewardesses, as a rule, are entitled to an extended social package (good medical insurance, a certain number of free flights, paid vouchers to children's camps, etc.)