The work of a flight attendant is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions. But despite this, there is a lot of turnover in the staff of airlines due to hard work, both physically and emotionally. In St. Petersburg, there are free and paid training courses for future flight attendants.

Training in the airline "Transaero"
“Transaero” annually recruits applicants who pass according to the company's requirements to receive free training for the profession of “Flight attendant”. After successfully passing the exams, the airline finds a job for the owners of the new profession. Studying lasts 3 months.
The average salary of a flight attendant on international flights is 50 - 75 thousand rubles.
Requirements for the candidate - compulsory Russian or Belarusian citizenship, age limit from 19 to 30 years old, height should be 160-175 cm for girls, clothing size no more than 46, spoken English, eyesight up to -2, 5. Future flight attendant she must also be able to swim, have a passport and be free of scars and tattoos on her arms, face and neck. Your resume should be sent to the email address [email protected].
Education in St. Petersburg ATU GA named after Novikova
St. Petersburg Aviation and Transport School of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikova offers for future flight attendants paid courses "Service on board the aircraft." The educational institution is located at Liteiny prospect, 48/50. You can send your questions to the school's email address [email protected]. or ask by phone 8 (812) 273 46 67.
Training at the Aeroflot branch in St. Petersburg
Also, the airline "Aeroflot" is recruiting for the development of a new profession "Flight attendant" in its St. Petersburg branch. Training takes place at the expense of the airline, with subsequent employment. Three years should be worked in the company after obtaining a profession. Those who do not want to stay at Aeroflot can study for a fee.
Paid education is approximately 40 - 65 thousand rubles.
For applicants, the following requirements are put forward - not younger than 19 and not older than 30, education not lower than secondary, commutability, good looks, excellent health, German and English must be at a conversational level. More detailed information can be obtained by calling 8 (812) 438 56 83.
general information
In St. Petersburg, they are recruiting for the vacancy of a flight attendant and foreign airlines. For example, Qatar Airways selects candidates every year and offers to undergo training in the capital of Qatar, Doha, and then work for three years in the company under a contract.
After reviewing the resume, the airline or educational institution is invited to two interviews - with a psychologist and in English. If these stages are successfully completed, then a medical examination will have to be done. Only after that, studies, exams and work on board the aircraft begin.