To become a flight attendant in Moscow, you need to meet the high requirements of this profession and undergo special training for flight attendants. There are two training options: free airline courses or paid tuition at a flight attendant school.

In order to apply for flight attendant courses at an airline, you need to send your questionnaire there, go through an interview and selection. Such courses are free for candidates, except in cases of early termination of training - then the airline will have to pay the compensation cost of the courses. Enrollment in courses involves the signing of an agreement, according to which the candidate undertakes to work for a certain number of years (usually 2-3 years) in the specified airline after graduation. The duration of the courses is about three months. The school day lasts 6-8 hours. For the period of study, candidates are awarded a scholarship. In Moscow, you can take flight attendant courses at such airlines as Aeroflot, Transaero, Siberia.
Another option for training is attending paid courses, after which you do not need to be tied to working out the required number of working hours in a particular airline. After completing such paid training, you can get a job at any airline and change your place of work at any time. These courses are very intensive and take a full day. The cost of a full course of study ranges from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
In Moscow, paid courses in the specialty "flight attendant" are conducted by the following institutions:
- School of conductors on the basis of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
- educational institution "Aviapersonal";
- educational institution "Jet Service".
Courses include the study of aviation theory, aircraft structure, psychology, English, the basics of medical care, as well as sports, style and makeup training. The rules of behavior in emergency situations are studied and practiced separately.
Requirements for girls applying for the position of flight attendants
The requirements for candidates for training in the specialty of a flight attendant are quite high and specific, especially in Moscow. These include:
- age from 18 to 35 years old;
- height not less than 160 cm (such a requirement is justified by the need to reach the overhead luggage);
- good health;
- a good level of knowledge of the English language;
- stress resistance (the need for composure and clear thinking in life-threatening situations);
- competently delivered speech;
- friendliness;
- Russian citizenship.