An economist's resume contains the same information and information as any other, but some points should be given more attention, because they indicate the value of the employee, characterize the degree of his professionalism and even affect the proposed salary.

Step 1
Make a basic resume containing general information about your person, namely: last name and first name, residential address, date of birth, contact information. If you are compiling a resume to consider you as an applicant for a certain position in a particular organization, create a "Purpose" section and write "Getting a job as a leading specialist in the analytical department of OAO GazNeftStroyMontazh".
Step 2
Describe all of your work experience, starting from your most recent organization and listing the length of your tenure. Be sure to write down the full name of the company, its organizational and legal form, the position you held in it. Make sure that the title of the position coincides with what is written in the work book. If the work in this company was not formalized in accordance with the labor code, give the coordinates of a manager who could confirm your work experience in this organization. List the responsibilities you perform at each place of work, point by point.
Step 3
List all higher education institutions where you received your education. Start with the latter. The school is not worth mentioning. In addition to institutes and universities, list all the lecture cycles, seminars, scientific conferences in which you participated. Indicate the name of the seminar, the time of the event, the name of the organizer. Attach scanned copies of all diplomas, certificates and other things to your resume. Do not hesitate if there are a lot of them, in this case the rule “the more the better” works, this indicates that employers appreciated you and sent you to study to improve your qualifications, and in fact most of these events are paid.
Step 4
Create a section "Additional information", in it list all computer programs that you know how to use, in the first numbers indicate those related to economics, accounting, logistics, finance and other applied areas of economics. Good computer skills will be an added bonus for you when considering a resume.
Step 5
Do not forget about knowledge of languages, especially if the company where you intend to get a job has foreign co-owners or is actively involved in foreign economic activity. Write the level of language proficiency, for example, “I communicate fluently on professional topics” or “within the framework of everyday communication”.