To get a good job, you need to tell your employer about yourself. Does your resume remain unanswered? Most likely there are errors in it. We find out what they are.

Write about the benefits
Often, candidates write a resume describing their previous responsibilities, that is, they directly answer the question "What did you do?" And you need to talk about something else - how you were useful for the business. It is advisable to show this with examples, to indicate achievements in numbers or percentages. The important thing is not that you, for example, prepared reports, but that in this activity you have shown an advantage that is valuable to the company. Indicate your versatile skills, those that may be useful in different areas.
Start at the end
Many people write their resume in forward rather than reverse chronological order. This is not true. The first line should contain the last position. Relatively speaking, the candidate applies for the position of “commercial director”, and the first one is “secretary”. You need to understand that personnel department employees look through hundreds of resumes per day, they read quickly and immediately send an inadequate application form to the basket.
About money when you meet
Perhaps the resume is not answered because you indicated the desired salary in it. You shouldn't do this. The discrepancy between requests and the amount in the staffing table may be small, but the employee reading the resume will put it aside: he has no authority to raise the rate. He was asked to find a person "up to 50 thousand", and you wrote 52 and ended up in the "dropout". It's easier to negotiate with an expert personally: within reasonable limits, the salary can be raised.
Specify the title
Another mistake: some do not indicate the correct title of the position for which they are applying. Those who are looking for candidates, especially on recruiting resources, usually enter this word in the search bar: for example, "journalist". If you did not indicate it, but, for example, wrote "reporter", then it will not appear in the search results, the specialist will not see it. It is better to indicate not one position, but up to three in one resume. It is important that the names are of the same type. For example, after “journalist” you can put “department editor”, “correspondent”. Then slightly alter the resume and indicate, for example, "press secretary", "press officer", "PR manager". Two types of resumes double the odds.
Write a motivation letter
When sending your resume to an employer, write a cover letter. Its purpose is to generate interest in your profile. Do not write a lot, but do not forget the main thing: 1) introduce yourself; 2) let us know what position you are applying for; 3) highlight your advantages for this position; 4) indicate how you will be useful to the company and why you want to work in it, for example: “I think this direction is the most promising”, “I strive for career growth, but here it is the most probable”, “This area of work has always been successful for me”; 5) leave your contact details. Such a letter can be an effective step towards an interview and a new job.