Not every freelancer decides to compose a portfolio - this is a voluntary and purely personal matter, however, some of our recommendations will help you arrange a portfolio correctly, as well as suggest several ways to make a portfolio.

Let's take a look at some of the options for making your portfolio competitive.
1. Great design.
Good design speaks to some extent about the degree of your professionalism. If the design of a freelancer's portfolio is primitive, then the client may think that all the works presented in the portfolio are stolen.
2. Clean code.
Some people are not aware of the fact that clients can look at the html code of your projects to make sure it is flawless. Try to write clean, understandable, structured code, use validators in your work, especially when you offer services for creating websites and applications.
Clean code impacts SEO, reduces page load time, which is an important prerequisite for large portals. Checking the quality of the code by customers is a frequent occurrence; freelancers quite often receive either compliments for excellent syntax, or reprimands for fuzzy code.
3. A few words about the history of creation.
Share your story about the work done. There are many good portfolios on the web that have different categories, great structure, but they often contain small icons that enlarge when clicked. It is much better when each picture of the resource design has a link to a real resource, as well as a description of the process of working on the project. And also - adding a comment from customers.
4. Contacts.
It is necessary to add several ways of contacting you on the portfolio pages, since one client can only use e-mail for communication, the other prefers to work by telephone. We advise you to create in a conspicuous place a line with an e-mail address, as well as a contact form for sending letters directly from the site, do not forget to place your ICQ, MSN, AIM, etc. number in a conspicuous place, it is impossible to guess which communication method is most suitable for customer.
5. Creating a blog.
This idea may seem ridiculous to some, but creating a blog on your portfolio page will help you a lot. Firstly, this will be a possible reason why the customer wants to return to your site, which will serve to remember your name. Perhaps they will catch sight of your new completed work, which the potential client will like and he wants to place an order with you.
Also, the text on the blog is good for SEO. A portfolio by itself is of little value to search engines, especially when it does not contain comments.
You shouldn't save useless and unfortunate things on your portfolio page. And also we do not recommend entering a lot of your own and others' rss-broadcasts from sites and blogs.