The opportunity to quit at any time of his own free will is guaranteed to the employee by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The dismissal procedure involves notifying the employer in writing no later than fourteen days before the expected date of termination of the employment contract. The form of the notification is not regulated by any regulatory enactments. And yet there are generally accepted rules for filling out such an application, which should be strictly observed.

It is necessary
- - a sheet of A4 paper;
- - pen.
Step 1
Take a standard sheet of A4 white paper, as the application will need to be written with your own hand, without using a printing device. This is done to facilitate the identification of handwriting in case of disputes and disagreements about the execution of a dismissal.
Step 2
The introductory part is traditionally located in the upper right corner of the sheet and is filled first with the details of the addressee, and then the sender in the format "to" and "from whom". First of all, write the name of the company, the position of the head and his full name. Next, indicate the name of the department (department, branch, etc.) in which you work, your position, last name, first name and patronymic.
Step 3
In the center of the sheet, write the name of the document "Application". Next, outline the essence of your reference to the guide. Start by saying, "Please dismiss me of my own free will." Indicate the date from which, by agreement with the administration, you will be dismissed. Here you can write the reason for the dismissal, but this is not necessary.
Step 4
In the final part of the document, indicate the date of its preparation, sign and write in brackets the decoding of the signature (surname and initials). Register the completed application with the secretary or in the personnel department as an incoming document, depending on where the workflow is kept in the organization. After that, submit your application to the head of the enterprise for signature.