According to Russian labor law, each employee has the right to take 28 calendar days of vacation annually, and this number can be divided into parts. If the employee was summoned from vacation ahead of schedule, he has the right to add the days of rest to the next one or take them off at any time convenient for him. Upon dismissal, compensation is paid for unused vacation days.

Step 1
First, calculate the length of your vacation. To do this, determine the period of work for which you are entitled to rest. From the total, exclude the days of unpaid leave (if the number has exceeded 14 days), absenteeism.
Step 2
Let's say an employee worked from June 01, 2011 to January 01, 2011. In July, he took a vacation at his own expense, the duration of which is 15 days. Thus, this month is excluded from the total length of service. The employee is entitled to leave for 6 months.
Step 3
If the prescribed number of vacation is 28 calendar days, it is easy to determine the number of days of rest in one month. Do some simple math: 28 days / 12 months = 2.33 days.
Step 4
Multiply the resulting number of rest days by the number of months. For example, 6 months * 2, 33 days = 14 days (you can only round up). Now subtract from this number the number of days that you have already walked off. You can walk the resulting number of days at any time convenient for you. To do this, you need to notify the manager and write a statement. Or add unused days to your next vacation.
Step 5
Calculate compensation for unused vacation days. To do this, you must add up all payments under the employment contract, exclude those that were paid in the form of material assistance. Determine the average daily wage. To do this, divide the total amount of payments by the number of months worked, and then by 29, 4. Let's say an employee earned 200,000 rubles in 6 months. Thus, 20,000 p. / 6 months / 29, 4 = 1133, 79 p. in a day.
Step 6
Multiply the resulting number by the unused rest days. For example, an employee did not take 10 days off the general vacation. It turns out that he is entitled to compensation equal to 1133.79 rubles. * 10 days = 11337, 90 p.