A good freelance job pays well enough to become a permanent way of earning money. But becoming a freelancer takes more than a computer with Internet access.

Step 1
Freelance - work without concluding a contract, without official employment, and, therefore, without social guarantees, without deductions to the tax authorities, PF and FSS. At the same time, freelancing is work on a consolidated regime that the employee sets independently, the absence of bureaucratic red tape, planning and reporting documentation, free choice of place of residence. Freelance labor relations are built on the principle of "customer-performer". Sometimes the relationship is regulated by freelance exchanges, which provide guarantees of payments and quality, but in this scheme, part of the funds goes to an intermediary. Freelance payments are usually carried out through electronic payment systems, but it is possible to transfer money to a bank card.
Step 2
You can earn money on freelancing in various ways, for example, by clicking or participating in paid surveys, creating referral programs. But serious income begins with the creation of an information product. An information product can be a custom-made web resource and content - graphic or text.
Step 3
Text content creators are called copywriters and have a large share of the entire freelance market. Text content is the backbone of any website. depending on the importance of the resource, a variety of requirements may be imposed on it, from a simple logical, competent presentation of the text to serious analytical work.
Step 4
To work as a copywriter, you need a computer with Internet access and the ability to freely and competently express thoughts. Copywriting is not taught anywhere and experience is developed over time. A copywriter should easily navigate the Internet resources and be able to work with information. Professional analytical and synthetic information processing is an indispensable condition for creating your own high-quality and reliable information product.
Step 5
A copywriter will need a basic knowledge of HTML markup, in particular tags. The more, the easier it will be for the writer to navigate the codes of web documents. The content creator must be able to work with the semantic core and be able to logically insert keywords and expressions into the text.
Step 6
For the most part, a freelancer is a dependent person and must follow the wishes of the client. But a professional performer with a creative approach, with work experience, can become a full-fledged co-author of a project, offering his options for completing the assignment in accordance with the skills developed. A good freelancer is highly regarded in the Internet space and has a very decent income.