In accordance with Federal Law No. 8-FZ dated February 9, 2009 "On providing access to information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies", any citizen, legal entity or public organization has the right to use such information. You may be presented with any information that does not belong to the category of state or commercial secrets.

Step 1
Access to information is provided by publications in the media, placing it on the Internet, the ability to get acquainted with it directly in the premises occupied by administrative bodies, as well as through archives and libraries.
Step 2
To obtain information that you did not find in the listed sources, use the request or application form. In some cases, information can be provided on a commercial basis, according to the estimated prices approved by the administration. In this case, use a standard, unified application form, which is approved by the relevant regulatory documents of the administration.
Step 3
In your request, list the information you want to receive. The law guarantees the openness and availability of information, except for cases provided for by federal legislation. So, you will not be able to get access to personal data, the processing of which is carried out by municipal or state organizations. But the reliability and timeliness of the submission of information that is in the public domain is guaranteed by law.
Step 4
The form of information presentation can be any. It is provided both orally and in writing, including as an electronic document. In your request, you have the right to indicate in what form you need to submit the information you are interested in. In the event that it is impossible to provide information in the form you have requested, they will be presented in the form in which they are stored.
Step 5
Send a request for information to that structural unit or to the authorized official designated for the release of the data. Their responsibilities are established by the regulations and regulatory legal acts of local government or federal authorities.
Step 6
The responsibilities of the authorities include the creation of state and municipal information systems, so ask the administration where you can turn with targeted inquiries. So, for example, you can get information about real estate objects, buildings and land plots located within the boundaries of your municipality in the information system for ensuring urban planning activities, which are a structural subdivision of the architecture authorities.