If you need a new job, then you start looking for it by posting a resume - information about you and your work activity. At its core, a resume is the first acquaintance, albeit in absentia, with you. It is necessary to write information about yourself in such a way as to make a positive impression on a potential employer, to arouse his interest. This information should be concise but as complete as possible. To make it easier to understand, break it down into semantic blocks - structure the document.

Step 1
In the first paragraph, provide information about yourself - indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, year of birth and contact numbers, email address, home address, so that it is easy to contact you if necessary.
Step 2
Then state your educational background. Indicate the institution of higher education that you graduated from and the year of graduation. If you studied and completed your postgraduate studies, then also reflect this information with an indication of the scientific specialization and academic degree, if you received it. Please indicate here all refresher courses, completed business trainings and business schools. Reflect participation in scientific conferences, indicate the authorship of scientific papers and articles.
Step 3
Tell us about your work experience. List your job responsibilities and tell about the specific results of your work activity. It's good if they have a digital expression. Highlight those projects that were especially significant, specify the customers. List the tools that you own and used in your work. Note the level of knowledge of foreign languages. List places of work and employers in reverse order, indicating the period of work.
Step 4
It is not necessary to indicate personal qualities, everyone understands that their assessment is subjective. You can indicate your hobbies, they, at times, can also tell a lot about you. It is in your best interest for these hobbies to be active enough, preferably sports.
Step 5
Proofread the text for grammatical errors. Save the file with information about yourself in Microsoft Office format. Call it by your last name so that when you add it to the applicant database, it does not have to be renamed, this will endear the HR manager to you even before he reads your resume.