Upon dismissal of an employee, you need to make a full cash settlement the next day after the last working day. If the calculation is delayed, the labor inspectorate may oblige the employer to pay compensation for each overdue day in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of the amount owed.

Step 1
An employee must submit a letter of resignation two weeks in advance. Exceptions are cases of dismissal during the probationary period and with a formalized contract for temporary work. In these cases, the application is submitted three days before the dismissal.
Step 2
A full cash settlement with an employee must be made regardless of whose initiative the dismissal occurs - at their own request or at the initiative of the employer.
Step 3
The amount earned in the current period, compensation for unused vacation days and all due cash bonuses and remunerations are subject to payment.
Step 4
If an employee took vacation earlier than the prescribed 12 months, then the entire amount of overpaid vacation days is deducted from the general calculation upon dismissal.
Step 5
Compensation for unused vacation should be calculated based on the average earnings for the 12 months that were the last before the dismissal. Even if the salary was less or more before.
Step 6
All paid amounts for 12 months, for which insurance premiums were charged, must be added, divided by 12, multiplied by the number of days of unused vacation, add the amount earned for the current period, the regional coefficient. Subtract 13% of the income tax from the resulting number. Give the received amount to the employee as a calculation.
Step 7
If the dismissal occurs at the initiative of the employer for the waste of material assets, then the money for the shortage must be deducted from the general calculation.
Step 8
If the time has not been fully worked before the start of the next vacation, compensation for it is calculated based on the average daily earnings of actually earned funds, which must be divided by the days actually worked and multiplied by the prescribed vacation days.
Step 9
An employee who has worked at the enterprise for 11 months must be paid vacation compensation for the entire year.
Step 10
If more than 15 days have been worked in the current month, then the vacation for this month is paid in full. Less than 15 days - vacation days for this month are not compensated.
Step 11
Employees who quit without having worked for 1 month are not paid vacation compensation. For those who have worked for more than a month and quit during the probationary period, compensation is calculated at the rate of 2 days for each month worked.