The work of a firefighter is a noble work, but incredibly hard. Employees on duty meet with human tragedies, are responsible for other people's lives and property. Therefore, candidates for the position undergo a rigorous selection process, weeding out those who cannot match.

Men between the ages of 18 and 35 who have a military ID (who have completed their military service) can get a job as a firefighter. Special education for employees of junior and rank-and-file command personnel is not required (minimum - complete secondary education).

The fire brigade will not be hired if there are the following factors:
- a man cannot get admission from the IHC (military medical commission) for health reasons;
- provided inaccurate information, forged documents;
- the young man is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- there are convictions (including canceled criminal, conditional, administrative) for a man or close relatives.
If the future employee is suitable for all points, you need to contact the personnel department of the Main Directorate of the region in which the service is planned. The specialist will tell you what documents you need to get - it takes a lot of time to collect them. You will have to visit the narcological and tuberculosis clinic in order to obtain certificates that the man is not registered, to take blood and urine tests, to conduct an ECG, to take an X-ray of the nose (a person with problems with ENT organs cannot work in the Ministry of Emergencies). The personnel department will make inquiries to the police (warn the neighbors that the district police officer may come - to collect data for characterization of the candidate)
When all the documents are ready, and the personnel officer receives requests, the time comes for the IHC. A commission from a neuropathologist, surgeon, ENT, etc. examines a person, giving admission in its direction. The visit to the IHC ends with a meeting with a therapist. If physicians have no questions about their physical condition, they begin psychological testing.
The first stage of psychodiagnostics of a future firefighter is tests. Questionnaires, Luscher testing, etc. are used. This stage is carried out in a group. After the specialists process the result, they invite you for a conversation. Need to be prepared for provocative questions, such as when was the last time you used drugs? The presence of addictions in the form of alcoholism or drug addiction, even those left in the past, puts an end to the device for service in the Ministry of Emergencies.

The result of psychological testing will remain a secret even for the candidate himself. The experts will send the conclusion independently to the personnel department, which sent the person to the IHC. If a man turns out to be admitted to the service, with the available vacancies, he will be contacted and invited to the personnel department.
For about the first half of the year, you will have to be an intern, to undergo initial training at the Training Center. In these classes, the future firefighter will receive the basics necessary for further service and performance of official duties. They become an employee after successfully passing the certification, which checks the level of knowledge gained during the internship.