Working in court always requires great responsibility and hard work. It is very difficult to get a job as a judge and even a secretary or assistant. It will take persistence and self-confidence.

Step 1
Get a law degree first. This is the very first requirement for applying for a job in court. At the same time, do not forget - the better the knowledge gained and their assessment, the better.
Step 2
Take an internship if you have no work experience. This can be done both during the training period and after its completion. Practice is a great way to understand what court work really is. You will also be able to show yourself, evaluate the knowledge gained in an educational institution and acquire useful skills. Good practice will help you get a job in court in the future.
Step 3
Decide if your health allows you to work in court. You need high resilience and calmness.
Step 4
Remember if there were any convictions and all sorts of "dark" stories with you and your relatives. Most likely, they will be a serious obstacle when applying for a job in court.
Step 5
Use different sources of information to find vacancies. Friends and acquaintances, recruitment agencies, press announcements can help you. You can also go directly to the court and inquire about the availability of jobs. If you have not had any experience other than practice, you probably won't be able to become a judge right away. But there is every chance of getting the position of an assistant or secretary.
Step 6
Pass the qualifying examination for the position of a judge if you intend to take it. This requires good experience and knowledge.