Many people dream of getting a CEO position without realizing how demanding and difficult it is. What are the job responsibilities entrusted to the general?

The CEO is the main person of each company, who has the right of first signature. He can be a contract-hired employee, sole founder, or co-founder. It is the general director who is entrusted with full responsibility (including criminal) for the activities of the enterprise, including the "cleanliness" of the tax reporting provided.
The functionality of the CEO is wide and multifaceted. First of all, he is obliged to manage the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, following all the requirements of the current legislation, to develop and approve all internal regulations. At the same time, the general director must competently organize the work process at the enterprise, control the actions of hired employees, provide them with normal working conditions, monitor the safety of material assets, protect the interests of the company in the courts of first and cassation instances, and constantly improve their skills.
Also, the general director is responsible for the disclosure of official secrets, as well as for all losses caused by his action or inaction. Therefore, a person without higher education, relevant qualifications and experience cannot become a candidate for this position in a serious organization.
An effective CEO must be a good manager, economist, lawyer, and strategist. Its main task is to maximize the profit of the enterprise, while not infringing upon the rights of employees. Under the leadership of an efficient, ethical and fair CEO, the company's staff enjoy working to achieve the goals set together. There are no disaffected employees among the subordinates of a first-class CEO, and there is no staff turnover.
Therefore, a responsible and highly professional general director is one of the main keys to the success and prosperity of the company.