How To Register An Employee

How To Register An Employee
How To Register An Employee

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Any employment relationship begins with the registration of an employee in the state. How to register an employee is described in detail in Chapter 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The main stages of registration are the issuance of an order for employment of the established sample and the drawing up of an agreement with the employee.

How to register an employee
How to register an employee


Step 1

In order to correctly arrange a person's employment, demand from him a written application, work book, passport, insurance certificate, TIN, diploma and military ID. In the application, the employee indicates his personal data, the position for which he applies and the date of the beginning of his labor activity. Accept statements that are well-written and legible. Make copies of good quality documents to form your personal file. When hiring an employee for a responsible position, check the validity of documents confirming his qualifications. To verify their authenticity, contact the educational institution indicated on the front side.

Step 2

The employee registration process includes several stages. First, submit the application to the manager for consideration and invite him to put up his resolution. After accepting the documents and their copies from the applicant, prepare an order and an employment contract. In the text of the order, indicate the salary, structural unit and position for which the employee is hired. After the order is ready, be sure to familiarize the person with it so that he can verify and sign the appropriate journal.

Step 3

Make a record of employment in the employee's work book on the day of admission; you can postpone this procedure for no more than five days from the moment the employee is admitted to work. Proceed with the registration of the employment contract immediately after signing the order for the admission of a person to the position. In it, indicate the type of work (main or part-time), a detailed description of the terms of payment, time of rest, the possibility of business trips and other information.

Step 4

Draw up a job description, in it describe in detail the duties of the employee. They can also be included in the text of the employment contract. A person should familiarize himself with this document before starting his activity, be sure to give him such an opportunity. If he starts a position that provides for work with material assets and money, an agreement on material liability will additionally be required. Make it up as a separate document, or supplement the main contract with a corresponding clause.
