How To Outline An Article

How To Outline An Article
How To Outline An Article

Table of contents:


Making a plan for creating a future article allows you to achieve clarity, as well as the integrity of the information set out in this text. The author, like an artist who comes up with his own image with a certain meaning, must construct such a plan in detail.

How to outline an article
How to outline an article


Step 1

Come up with the most appropriate title for your article. It should indicate the content of the article, as well as be attractive and catchy. Indeed, because of the imprecise title, an important and necessary article may simply go unnoticed.

Step 2

Pay attention to the constituent parts in the article: annotation, introductory part (introduction), main part (research methods), conclusions (conclusions) and a list of references.

Step 3

Remember that the abstract serves as a detailed title of the article and should also tell about the content of the work. You can reflect in this part of the article what, in your opinion, is the most valuable and applicable quality in the work you have done.

Step 4

Write an introduction. Describe in it the need for staging the work performed, and what place the object under study (depending on the topic of the article) occupies among other similar developments. It is necessary to find the predecessors of these projects and analyze their work.

Step 5

Form the body of the text. Select the most appropriate problem for the analysis or for describing the characteristics of the given object under consideration. Build a similar chain to make it interesting for readers to read your article: sort out the problems posed.

Step 6

Use graphs, tables, or charts if your article involves any calculations or a lot of numerical data. This will help you present all the results in the most descriptive way for your readers.

Step 7

Draw conclusions on the main content of the article. They should show what was learned during the presentation of the material, in what ways the problems can be solved, etc. Please note that the conclusions should not be too numerous. At the same time, they must have the form of the corresponding theses (for example, you can start writing the conclusion like this: "According to a well-known specialist …").

Step 8

Indicate several sources of the literature used, that is, with the help of which sources you stated the facts indicated in this article.
