It is required to draw up a shift schedule at an enterprise where the production process is not limited to the average length of the daily working day established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Working in several shifts may be due to the need for effective use of machines and equipment, an increase in the volume of products or services provided to the population. The labor process at such an enterprise is carried out in accordance with the shift schedule.

Step 1
Shift work refers to special work regimes and its conditions should be separately stipulated in the employment contract. In the event that such a need arose for the first time, coordinate the possibility of changing working conditions with the representative body of workers or a committee of trade unions. If an agreement is reached between the parties, then changes are made to the collective agreement. Coordination with the trade union is not required if the introduction of shift work is due to a change in organizational or technological working conditions and is confirmed by a separate order.
Step 2
When drawing up a shift schedule, it is allowed to introduce a summarized accounting of working hours, since it is not always possible to comply with the maximum working time of 40 hours per week. The established rate of hours must be observed on average for the accounting period. Think about which accounting period you choose to balance working hours: month, quarter or year. The accounting period should coincide with the production cycle that operates in your enterprise, it cannot be more than a year.
Step 3
Set the duration of rest between shifts, in accordance with Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it cannot be less than twice the duration of a shift. Please note that the law sets the total time for a weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours.
Step 4
Provide in the schedule the order of delivery / reception of the shift. Set time allotted for lunch breaks and rest breaks, the duration should not be more than 2 hours and less than 30 minutes. Describe the procedure for the employee to act in the event that his shift does not appear for work.
Step 5
The schedule should provide for a reduction in the duration of the shift in the case of work at night and on pre-holiday days. Night time is considered to be from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the morning. In accordance with Art. 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for an increased payment for each hour of work during this period.
Step 6
When scheduling, keep in mind that overtime and overtime are not included. Determine the standard amount of working time for each month according to the production calendar for the current year. If the number of hours worked actually exceeds the norm, then consider them as overtime and calculate at the end of the reference period.
Step 7
Approve the shift work schedule with the head of the enterprise and agree with the representative body of workers or the committee of trade unions, bring it to the attention of workers no later than 1 month before it is put into effect.