Associate professor - academic title of a teacher at a higher educational institution. This is a fairly significant academic degree, for which you need to go through several stages, patience and research abilities.

Has many responsibilities and privileges
To obtain the title of associate professor, you must have more than one year of teaching experience at the university; research experience must be at least five years. To obtain an associate professor's degree, you must have at least one printed article in your arsenal. Yes, it will be available, because before obtaining such a high degree, it is necessary to have the title of candidate or doctor of science.
Most likely, a person who is an applicant for an associate professor's degree is already working at some department at the university. To obtain an academic degree, it is necessary to write guidelines for the discipline that he plans to teach at the department. In fact, every graduate student dreams of becoming an assistant professor. And not without reason. An associate professor's degree implies a number of privileges. Only a teacher with an associate professor's degree can apply for the position of head of the department. In addition, an associate professor's degree is a step towards professorship. And perhaps in the future it will be possible to become an academician.
Associate professor can be an organizer and head of a scientific student society. Further career advancement is also possible. In particular, the associate professor has the right to apply for the position of the dean of the faculty, and then the rector of the university. The associate professor has a good workload at the university, and sometimes lectures at other educational institutions. 150 hours - on average, a teacher with an associate professor's degree should read this much per year. In addition, he supervises the course and graduate work of students, has supervision in one of the groups, is on duty in a student hostel. However, the latter does not apply to all higher education institutions, depending on the Charter. Such a teacher has a leave of 48 calendar days.
The main focus is on scientific work
As practice shows, the range of activities of a real associate professor is very wide. He is constantly improving in research work, one opens, and the other describes. Most often, associate professors are published a lot by various popular science publications, including foreign ones.
A person who wants to get an associate professor's degree must be very careful in choosing a topic for future research and a scientific advisor. While a young teacher is working at the department, he needs to take a closer look at which of the associate professors or professors is introducing innovations in a particular field of knowledge. It should be remembered that pioneering, original developments provide more opportunities for creating interesting, and most importantly relevant work, which can subsequently be successfully defended.