There is no generally accepted form for such documents as such, but it is desirable to comply with the general requirements arising from the very logic of business communication. So, from the first lines of any message it should be clear to whom it is addressed, from whom, on what issue and how to contact the author. All this will simplify the processing of the document and the transfer of ownership. This means that it will increase the chances of a positive answer.

It is necessary
- - computer;
- - text editor;
- - printer or email.
Step 1
The first line of the letter must include at least the name of the organization. Ideally, this should be a specific person with a name and title, but, in principle, not necessary. In any organization, they will figure out whose competence the issue on which you are applying, and will pass it on to whom it is supposed to.
Even if you are addressing a message to the first person, it is not a fact that someone will read it by itself. Most likely, he will sign for subordinates.
Step 2
Indicate who you are. If you are applying on behalf of an organization, it is best to use letterhead, and indicate your position and full name in your signature. In the case when you act as a private person, the surname, name and patronymic in full and the address will be enough. For a more urgent contact, you can specify your phone number, e-mail address and other methods of communication.
Step 3
In the heading to the substantive part of your letter, state what type it belongs to: an information request (if you ask for an answer to certain questions), a complaint, a claim or a complaint letter (applicable if it is a violation of your rights by representatives of the organization, in particular, consumer), offer (including commercial offer). The option "appeal" is also possible.
In the line below, it is advisable to indicate the subject of the letter, briefly formulating its essence: what do you want to ask, whose actions, employees of which organizational unit do you consider illegal, etc.
When sending a letter by e-mail, do not neglect the "Subject" field for this purpose as well. After all, it depends on its content whether the letter is read or killed.
Step 4
Tell the addressee what exactly prompted you to contact him. If this is an incident, state all its circumstances: what kind of actions taken against you do you consider unlawful, what provisions of the law do they, in your opinion, contradict.
If you offer something, formulate the essence of the proposal, focus on the benefits that the addressee can get from accepting it, your strengths, which are important for that.
If you ask a state organization for clarifications, it is enough to refer to the Constitution and the law "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation."
In general, act according to the circumstances.
Step 5
State the essence of what you are asking for (after all, this is the purpose for which your message is written): the measures that you expect and believe are sufficient to realize your rights, list the questions that you would like to receive an answer to, etc.
If the letter is related to a conflict situation and is addressed to the organization-culprit, it will not be superfluous to list the measures in case of receiving an unmotivated refusal or ignoring the letter. For example, filing a lawsuit and claiming compensation for moral damage.
Step 6
Subscribe at the end. If you are applying as a private person, the signature (in paper form) and the date are sufficient. If, as a representative of the organization, an indication of the position and surname with initials will be required.