Planners, meetings and meetings are an integral part of the workflow. Their main task is to collectively analyze any service situation. Participants in working meetings can and should actively speak up, discuss details, and propose solutions to problems. For a meeting to be effective, the host must adhere to certain rules.

It is necessary
- - agenda;
- - the rules of the meeting;
- - protocol of the meeting.
Step 1
Learn the key signs of an effective meeting. There are few of them: 1. The meeting has a specific purpose; 2. The organizer has done all the necessary preparatory work; 3. The meeting is attended only by interested employees who are directly related to the issues discussed; 4. The discussion does not deviate from the main topic; 5. As a result of the meeting, immediate plans were determined and specific instructions were given to employees. All these issues should be personally supervised by the manager, especially if the organization has not yet formed a mechanism for holding effective meetings.
Step 2
Formulate the main topic of the meeting. It should be relevant and understandable to employees. It is very important that the working meeting has a specific goal: to develop an event plan, approve a decision, put forward an idea, etc. For example, you shouldn't talk about the global economic crisis if your ad agency has had fewer customers. In this case, the meeting should be devoted to expanding the range of services and changing the discount system.
Step 3
Prepare a detailed meeting agenda. In it, indicate the main topic, the questions that are planned to be discussed, the names of the speakers, the composition of the invitees, the date, time and place of the event. Each agenda item should detail the main topic of the meeting, reflect some aspect of it. Questions can be grouped either according to the principle "from simple to complex", or in an analytical order - "the current situation - its origins - possible solutions."
Step 4
Attach the meeting timeline to the agenda. In it, set the time for the keynote speakers, for information from the co-speakers, for clarifying questions and for discussion. Draw up timetables even for small service meetings. This will teach yourself and your employees to value working time, meet deadlines, and express thoughts clearly and to the point.
Step 5
Familiarize employees with the agenda in advance. Send it out by corporate email or hand out to everyone you invite to the meeting. Ask everyone to prepare for the discussion. Emphasize what you expect from each proposal participant within their competence.
Step 6
Start the meeting with your own short talk. Within 3-5 minutes, talk about the reason that prompted you to organize this meeting and the result you want to achieve. Then familiarize the participants with the agenda and work schedule.
Step 7
Lead the discussion. Maintain a friendly but constructive discussion. Encourage each meeting participant to express their opinion, contact the "silent" with personal questions that require a detailed answer. Tactfully but firmly nip attempts to divert the conversation away from the main issue. Summarize subtotals for each question.
Step 8
At the end of the meeting, once again voice the decisions and instructions given to the employees. Make sure all participants understand their tasks and remember their deadlines. Record important points in the protocol. Send a copy of it to the specialists responsible for the execution of orders, as well as to the employees involved in the implementation of the decisions made.