Before admitting a worker to his duties, the foreman or any other responsible person is responsible for instructing the person on safety precautions. This procedure is a prerequisite for labor relations, regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Even heads of companies are subject to it.

It is necessary
Safety instructions, briefing log, handouts: diagrams of equipment on which a person has to work, a diagram of a room with an image of the entrance and exit at enterprises, the presence of ventilation hatches, etc
Step 1
The briefing is carried out on the basis of the safety instructions, which are developed at the enterprise by the occupational safety officer in accordance with the order of his head. The safety instructions describe the basic rules for safe work with this or that equipment, actions in case of force majeure situations, etc.
Step 2
Safety briefing can be done in groups or individually. The main thing is that workers have a clear idea of what rules they should follow in order to prevent injuries at work, how to provide first aid to the injured, etc.
Step 3
The briefing is usually led by a foreman or a person under whose supervision the new employee will have to work. A special responsible person may also be allocated, whose duties include conducting safety briefings among the employees of the enterprise.
Step 4
The instructor acquaints the workers with the labor protection rules at the enterprise, actions in the event of dangerous situations; rules for the use of personal protective equipment; places where fire extinguishers are located, providing first aid to victims, causes of possible accidents and injuries, makes a number of warnings, and upon completion verbally checks the students about their knowledge of safe working techniques
Step 5
Only after reading the safety instructions, a worker or employee can be admitted to his workplace.