It is quite possible to go to work abroad, and this is confirmed by the experience of many of our compatriots. Germany is a good choice in this case, since in this country a high standard of living is combined with social security. In addition, work in Germany gives you the opportunity to obtain German citizenship in the future.

Step 1
If you are thinking about seasonal work in Germany, and if you are between 18 and 25 years old, then you can go to Germany under the Au Pair program. The essence of this program is that a young man or girl lives in a German family and takes care of children, and also does light housework. This entails food in the family, as well as pocket money. This is a good way to at the same time gain experience of living abroad, improve your knowledge of the German language. You can become a participant in this program through universities or firms that are engaged in the placement of young people in such jobs. You can try to get a job yourself - through the sit
Step 2
Highly qualified specialists from all over the world are valued in Germany. Engineers, IT specialists, medical workers are especially in demand. In order for a highly qualified specialist to go to work in Germany, he must first find a suitable vacancy through German job search sites. it,,, and others. You can also contact a recruiting agency that works abroad
Step 3
According to German law, a specialist from abroad must first obtain a work permit in Germany. It is obtained with the help of an employer, i.e. this happens after you are decided to be hired. The employer sends a special request for the possibility of hiring a foreigner to the local employment authority and, if he agrees, sends you a certificate from this authority so that you can start processing entry documents.
Step 4
Typically, a candidate requires the following documents:
1. an employment contract with an employer;
2. certificate from the employment agency;
3. diploma of graduation from the university;
4. certificate of no criminal record;
5. certificate of marital status.
Russian-language documents must be translated into German, and their translation must be notarized. Other documents may be required depending on the situation.
Step 5
Upon arrival in Germany, you will need to rent a house and register at the place of residence with special local authorities. After that, you will need to issue a residence permit by presenting a residence permit document and an employment contract.