On June 1, 2013, the anti-tobacco law comes into force. Some of the provisions spelled out in the document will take effect in 2014, but already now there are many conflicting opinions, as well as disputes about the need for such drastic measures.

The Constitution stipulates that everyone has the right to freedom, but many smokers forget about the harm that is done to others. The law "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco smoking" dated February 12, 2013, at the stage of discussion, provoked discussions and generated controversy.
The law prohibits smoking in cafes, restaurants, bars. This obliges the establishments to develop some new concepts in order to attract smokers, otherwise the revenue could plummet. The document caused dissatisfaction in government agencies, universities, schools, hospitals, since the smoking rooms equipped here will have to be closed. However, 99% of the deputies voted for the law in the State Duma unanimously.
The anti-tobacco law will not affect businesses and offices in any way, but this is a temporary measure. Passengers of long-distance trains also have the opportunity to smoke at a distance of less than 10 meters. They still have the opportunity to smoke on the platform during stops until June 1, 2014.
Smoking will be prohibited on aircrafts and long-distance ships, on public and suburban transport. In addition, it will not be possible to appear with a lit cigarette less than 15 meters from the entrance to the airport, railway station and metro. The text of the regulatory legal act clearly states that tobacco companies operating in Russia cannot conduct lotteries and sponsor festivals. And in shop windows, customers will not be offered packs of cigarettes, but a price list with a clear list of names.
Simultaneously with the adoption of the law, penalties were developed that will be introduced into the Administrative Code. While we are talking about the amount of 3000 rubles. You can complain about violators by calling 8-800-775-00-00, which is free throughout Russia.
The tobacco should not appear as an advertising campaign, and the display of cigarettes in films, TV series and TV programs is not allowed. The changes also touched upon theaters, there, too, you cannot use cigarettes in productions. It is also prohibited to imitate cigarettes in the sweet industry. So, similar candies, gum, lollipops, key chains will be withdrawn from sale.
From June 1, 2014, cigarettes will be available only in shops and pavilions. Opponents of such a law believe that now the shadow tobacco market will quickly gain momentum, and billions of dollars will flow past the state treasury into the pockets of smugglers. This will negatively affect the health of smokers who will have to buy cigarettes of questionable quality.
Residents of high-rise buildings did not like the law at all, they are forbidden to smoke in the entrances. Many learned for the first time that it used to be allowed to smoke at gas stations, where it was unreasonably prohibited. The law prescribes equipping rooms with a special ventilation system on sea-going ships and in residential buildings. In addition, you cannot sell naswai - a non-smoking mixture of tobacco and lye - now it is forbidden to sell both retail and wholesale.
From June 1, 2014, smoking will be prohibited in indoor markets and passenger platforms near electric trains. Despite many conflicting opinions, one thing is indisputable: the freedom of the smoker ends where the right of another person to a healthy environment begins. The right to fresh air is spelled out in the Constitution, but there is no similar right to smoke. Perhaps this is the first step in improving the environment.