Very often, many people hear that someone from their acquaintances, relatives or friends works as a manager. Recently, this profession has become very popular. Some people wonder what this specialty is. Managers are divided into several categories, and each of them is responsible for specific functions and carries out its own specific responsibilities.

Step 1
One of the categories in this area is sales managers. The average starting salary is $ 550, not counting bonuses and all kinds of bonuses from every deal you make. Employers for this position try to choose sociable, sociable and responsible people. Preference is given to candidates between the ages of 25 and 35 who have sales experience. Their main tasks are finding and attracting new customers, high-quality cooperation with existing customers, promoting the company's products, successfully negotiating and concluding new contracts.
Step 2
Marketing managers are next in the management category. The proposed vacancies for marketers are very often not similar to each other in terms of the specifics of the work. This is due to the fact that each company has its own promotion policy, and it requires the use of certain marketing tools. The starting salary for this professional category is about $ 800. Their activities directly affect the work of the entire company and, as a result, they are required to have a higher level of responsibility than other managers.
Step 3
The highest paid category among all managers is considered to be top managers. Due to the fact that they are given tremendous power, their bosses expect a high level of knowledge and responsibility from them. In addition to specialized knowledge, they are required to have knowledge in the field of personnel management, since a lot of employees are accountable to them. Top managers regularly attend all kinds of trainings and specialized training courses. At the same time, the goal is to improve not only their direct qualifications, but also to acquire new skills in the field of management. Their wages are over $ 1,000 a month.
Step 4
Another branch in the field of management is HR managers. Their very name explains a lot: they manage the existing staff. Their direct responsibilities are the selection of personnel, an objective assessment of their activities, as well as the motivation and training of employees. Management specialists have a significant impact on the quality of the organization's workforce and on relationships within the team. All this contributes to the effective work of the company in the market. Employers are willing to pay an average of $ 630 per month for high-quality selection of employees.