Recognition of scientific achievements by discoveries, the issuance of diplomas and the consolidation of copyright are of great importance for scientists and specialists who use their scientific developments for practical purposes.

It is necessary
- - application to the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions;
- - a description of a scientific idea or hypothesis;
- - information that confirms its reliability;
- - expert assessments.
Step 1
The registration of scientific discoveries is carried out by the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, which conducts an independent examination of applications. Apply for participation. If your work passes the examination and receives a positive assessment, you will be given a diploma confirming its recognition as a scientific discovery.
Step 2
Submit your application to the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions. The application can be submitted by the author of a scientific idea, his heir, an organization or a group of scientists working on a joint project. Please note that the application will not be accepted if the scientific ideas and hypotheses stated in it contradict fundamental laws and principles, as well as morality and universal values.
Step 3
For examination, attach to the application a description of the discovery, proof of its reliability, the area of scientific and practical significance, the formula, bibliography, conclusions of competent persons and organizations, a certificate of the creative contribution of each of the co-authors, a receipt for payment of the organizational fee upon the application. Provide all documents in Russian on paper in 2 copies. Electronic versions are only available as an add-on.
Step 4
Your application will be subjected to a thorough examination - preliminary and extended, and their results will be reviewed by the Presidium of the International Academy. He will make the final decision on the recognition of the declared position as a discovery. The examination takes about 6 months from the date of filing the application and the submission of all materials for research.
Step 5
In case of a positive decision, the presidium of this scientific organization issues a diploma or certificate of the established form to the authors. If you disagree with the decision of the preliminary scientific examination, file an objection to the IAANOiI or revise the application materials taking into account the comments made and re-submit them to the expert committee for consideration.