An extract from the apartment is usually made in case of a change of residence address. Deregistration takes place on a notification basis, for this you need to submit an application to the migration service. This can be done both in person and through the portal of Public Services. Moreover, you can issue an extract both before moving and after - simultaneously with registration at a new place of residence.

Step 1
Extract through the passport office
In order to issue an extract from the apartment, you need to contact the passport office at your place of residence. Discharge is made in person, except in special cases provided for by law (conscription, imprisonment, court decision on eviction, and so on).
Step 2
At the passport office, you will need to write an application for deregistration and fill out a departure sheet, indicating the address of your future place of residence. No additional documents are required to prove that you are going to live at the specified address. The statement service is provided free of charge, there is no need to pay the state fee.
Step 3
Submit your completed application and passport to the passport officer. If necessary, you will be given a certificate of receipt confirming that the documents have been submitted for extract. The date on which you can take back your passport with an extract stamp will also be indicated there.
Step 4
As a rule, deregistration at the passport office is made out in three working days, within the time frame established by law. However, in practice, depending on the work schedule of the passport office, the workload of passport officers, etc. the term may vary. In some passport offices, it may take 10-14 days for an apartment to be checked out.
Step 5
Statement through the MFC
You can also issue a deregistration at the MFC at the place of residence. The technology is similar to issuing an extract at the passport office: you need to come with a passport, with the help of an MFC employee, prepare an application, submit it along with your passport, get a certificate that the documents have been accepted for processing - and appear at the appointed time for their receipt. In this case, an extract should also be issued in three working days, but in practice, again, delays of a day or two are possible. Despite the fact that the procedure is similar to the discharge through the passport office, many prefer to “stamp” it in the multifunctional centers, since they work every day from morning to late evening - while passport officers only receive a few hours a day.
Step 6
Statement through State Services
Registered users of the State Services portal ( can apply for an extract electronically. In this case, you will still have to personally visit the FMS authorities, however, in this case, it will be enough not two visits (first, hand over your passport, and then get it), but just one - the registration stamp will be affixed immediately.
Step 7
To issue an extract in the catalog of popular services provided by the portal, you must select the section "Passports, registration, visas", in it - "Removal of a citizen from the registration at the place of residence." Fill out the electronic statement of the statement, indicating your data, select the option of receiving "in person".
Step 8
Within three days, the electronic application will be considered and, if the data is presented correctly and no technical errors have been made, it is approved (grounds for refusal in the extract are not provided for by Russian legislation). After that, you will receive an invitation to appear at the FMS authorities for registration of deregistration. As a rule, this happens with the district inspector.
Step 9
At the appointed time, you must appear at the address indicated in the invitation, having your passport with you. The inspector will prepare and print your electronic application, which you will need to check and sign in his presence, as well as draw up a departure sheet. After that, the passport will be stamped with a deregistration stamp, and the procedure for discharging from the apartment will be completed. It usually takes 15-20 minutes.
Step 10
If you check out of the apartment before the sale and must provide the buyers with a certificate of the absence of the prescribed ones, it should be borne in mind that the certificate is issued at the passport office, and the exchange of data with the district inspector does not always take place "in real time." And it is possible that the statement has already been issued - but in the database of the passport office you are still listed among the registered ones. In this case, it is better to call the FMS authorities at the place of residence even before submitting the documents and clarify the timing of the transfer of data.
Step 11
Discharge simultaneously with registration
You can issue an extract from the old place of residence at the same time as registering for a new one - this is not prohibited by law. This can be done both at the passport office or the MFC, or through the State Services portal. By law, a Russian citizen can be permanently registered in only one place. Therefore, in this case, two applications are filed at the same time - for registration at a new place of residence and for deregistration at the old address, after which the MFC or FMS employees independently send a request for an extract "to the authorities".
Step 12
When registering with a simultaneous discharge, issued through the portal of State Services, the procedure also takes place in one day, and two stamps are simultaneously put in the passport at once - on the extract and on the registration. But when you contact the MFC or the passport office, the time for processing documents can significantly increase - you will be given a passport with all the stamps only after you send a request for your old place of residence and receive an answer to it. If we are talking about long-distance communication - in some cases, the term for issuing an extract with a simultaneous registration can reach one and a half to two months.
Step 13
Power of attorney statement
As already mentioned, in order to issue an extract, it is necessary to personally appear at the authorities of the FMS or the MFC in order to sign an application for an extract in the presence of a specialist. If it is not possible to appear in person (for example, if you are on a long business trip), you can try to sign out by power of attorney. To do this, it is necessary to issue not only a power of attorney for your representative with a notary, but also an application for deregistration with a notarized signature. There are no direct prohibitions on making a letter of attorney in Russian legislation, however, in practice, employees of the FMS may not accept such a statement - this is also not provided for by the standard procedure, and passport officials prefer to “play it safe”. Therefore, if there is a need to issue an extract by power of attorney without personal presence, it is better to first clarify with the FMS at the place of residence whether they will accept the application from the authorized person.