The provision of free medical care within the framework of the basic program regulated by the Federal Law "On Compulsory Health Insurance" is carried out if the insured person has a compulsory health insurance policy (MHI). It is issued by an insurance medical organization (CMO) on the basis of an application submitted by the insured person. To receive free medical care, nonresident citizens are required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at their place of stay.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - certificate of pension insurance (SNILS);
- - applications for registration at the place of stay;
- - passport of the owner of the dwelling;
- - a statement from the owner of the dwelling;
- - lease (sublease) agreement;
- - labor contract;
- - an application for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy.
Step 1
Being away from home and being a nonresident resident, take care of purchasing a compulsory medical insurance policy. Its availability will ensure the implementation of free medical services provided for by the Federal Law.
Step 2
Arriving at a new place of residence, you must go through a temporary registration by contacting the official responsible for it or the owner of the dwelling. Registration at the place of stay is free of charge and is carried out without being deregistered at the place of residence. To go through the registration procedure, you must have: a passport, an application for registration at the place of stay of the established form, an application from the owner of the living quarters who provided housing with an indication of the period of residence, a lease agreement.
Step 3
If the stay as a nonresident resident was associated with the invitation of the organization under an employment contract, then after its conclusion and the signing of the order for appointment to the position, the head of the enterprise must order the issuance of an OMI policy. If this does not happen, contact the HR department, accounting department or the head of the organization, reminding you of the legal right to receive an OMI policy in accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Compulsory Health Insurance".
Step 4
Call the help desk, find out the coordinates of medical insurance organizations that issue compulsory medical insurance policies. Specify the conditions, the list of free medical services provided on the basis of the issued compulsory medical insurance policy, the timing of its receipt. Choose the most appropriate option based on the information received.
Step 5
As a nonresident resident, registered at the place of residence and being an unemployed citizen of the Russian Federation, apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy to an insurance medical organization territorially belonging to the place of residence at the moment. Have a passport, a certificate of pension insurance (SNILS) with you. Fill out the issued application form, on the basis of which the OMI policy will be issued by the employee of the insurance organization. Check the date of issue of the document.
Step 6
As a foreign citizen permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and having a residence permit or temporarily staying in the territory of Russia, invited as an employee under an employment contract, get an OMI policy. To do this, contact the point of issue of policies located in the polyclinics at the place of registration or one of the insurance medical organizations, providing, at the request of the employee of the institution, all the necessary documents, specifying their list in advance.
Step 7
Upon receipt of the compulsory medical insurance policy, contact the clinic located at the place of registration to go through the procedure for attaching the policy to this medical institution.