How To Calculate A Technological Map

How To Calculate A Technological Map
How To Calculate A Technological Map

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Technological maps are used in all areas of activity and are developed by special technical services. They contain a detailed description of the individual process, the order of operations, the time spent on each of them, and a list of the necessary tools to perform them. In the absence of a standard flow chart for the type of work you need, you can calculate it yourself.

How to calculate a technological map
How to calculate a technological map


Step 1

Briefly describe the type of work, indicate the goals of its implementation, determine the initial data for calculating the flow chart. A drawing or diagram of the final result of the work will help to simplify the description and calculation.

Step 2

Break down the technological process for this type of work into separate operations. Write the description in the form of a table. Calculate the amount of work for each technological operation.

Step 3

Calculate the time required to complete each operation. To calculate the technological map for construction work, you need to use the appropriate reference books - EniR, SNiP. Indicate the rate of time in man-hours or in machine-hours (if machines and mechanisms will be involved in the process). Calculate the amount of time to complete each operation by multiplying the time rate by the amount of work.

Step 4

Calculate the total number of man-hours (machine-hours) for the type of work described in the flow chart. List the professions of the workers, put down their categories. Describe what machines and mechanisms are required to perform this type of work, indicate their brands, technical characteristics, including performance.

Step 5

Make a list of required materials for this type of work. Determine the consumption of materials for each technological operation - per unit of work and for the entire volume. Calculate the amount of energy required.

Step 6

Calculate the cost of work according to the compiled technological map. Check the prices for materials, rates for wages for this type of work, the cost of machine-hour of machines and mechanisms, energy tariffs. Calculate the required amount of money for each item. Summing up the results obtained, find the total cost of the entire volume of work on the technological map.
