How To Be An Artist

How To Be An Artist
How To Be An Artist

Some of the people from the very childhood are aware of their gift, others come to understand their talent with age. For example, you can say that most people sleep artists, but not everyone is ready to do something about it.

Searching for a vocation

If you realize that all your life you have wanted to do the visual arts in some form, take a little time to realize these desires. Try the main areas of visual arts: start mastering pencil drawing, experiment with paints, take up photography or sculpture, find out what your heart is about.

Having decided on the priority direction of future activity, purchase everything you need in a specialized store. Keep in mind that you will have to pay a lot of money for paints, brushes, sculptor's tools, a camera, but this will give you some freedom of expression.

Discover the inner vision of the artist. This is the most important component of success in this field. You need to learn to constantly look at the world from behind an imaginary (and sometimes quite material) easel, to appreciate the beauty of the color combinations around you, the grace of the composition of some banal things. The ability to see the world around you in all its beauty and completeness will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the process of your creativity.

Art as work

Try to do art every day. The meaning of an artist's life is to constantly work on works of art. Set aside the time you are willing to spend painting or sculpting. It doesn't have to be the same time every day on a schedule, there is little sense in this for the creative process, but you need to do art every day.

If you realize that you want to pursue painting or other forms of visual art professionally, sign up for a course. And if you feel strong enough, try enrolling in a specialized university. The knowledge gained in such institutions will definitely come in handy, on the basis of which you can develop your style.

Be sure to collect a portfolio, take your best work (or photographs of work) and collect them in one folder. This folder should be shown at every opportunity in galleries, potential clients and employers. Try to build a portfolio of works that reflect your style to the fullest

Be sure to collaborate with other artists and people in the art world in general. A good and successful artist must have a huge number of connections and professional contacts. Professors, friends, colleagues, bosses, teachers, family - all of them can at the right time open an important "door" in front of your nose, give you the opportunity to express yourself or "shoot" with the help of their art.

A successful artist is a very socially active creature. He is constantly on the lookout for suitable showrooms and galleries, builds relationships with the right people, and looks for customers. If you are talented enough to become an artist, consider if you are social enough to become a successful artist and make a living doing it. It's pretty hard to break through in the art world.
