When The Countdown Began The Volunteer Movement

When The Countdown Began The Volunteer Movement
When The Countdown Began The Volunteer Movement

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Volunteer movement is an organization that carries out charitable activities in the form of gratuitous provision of services and performance of work. Volunteering begins in 1920, when the international volunteer movement was founded.

Volunteers in 1920
Volunteers in 1920


Step 1

In 1792, the Great Revolution took place in France, after which the army of mercenaries ceased to exist. However, Austria soon attacked the country and the male population of France began to voluntarily enroll in the ranks of the soldiers. It was at this time that the word "volunteer" came into use. This practice of collecting the army was used by many European countries. People who volunteered to join the army were called volunteers.

Step 2

In 1920, after the First World War, the soldiers of the warring countries organized a volunteer project. Volunteers from Germany, Austria, England and Austria came together to rebuild the ruined village. They spoke under the slogan: "It is better to work together than to fight against each other." Volunteers did not take money for their work, but they were provided with food, housing and medical services by the interested party. This event served as the basis for the organization of an international volunteer movement.

Step 3

In 1938, US President Franklin Roosevelt, who became disabled due to the illness of polio, organized and sponsored volunteers to mass vaccinations against the disease. Thanks to this movement, polio is now a rare disease.

Step 4

In 1960, dozens of volunteer communities emerged to build friendship between western and eastern Europe. In 1980, environmental projects became widespread. Ten years later, during the XI World Conference of the Volunteer Movement, an international declaration of volunteering was adopted. It outlined the goals and objectives of volunteer organizations and the right of every man, woman and child to participate in volunteer movements. By 1998, more than 100 million people worked as volunteers, who carried out about 2,000 projects in 88 countries of the world. Currently, volunteers are working in the field of health care, protecting the environment, eradicating illiteracy and hunger, participating in the evacuation of children, the wounded and sick from the hotbed of hostilities, and helping during natural disasters. International organizations UNESCO and the United Nations also have their own volunteer offices.

Step 5

Volunteerism in Russia began in 1894, when trusteeships were established to take care of the poor. During the Russian-Turkish war, a women's volunteer movement, "Sisters of Mercy", emerged. Women voluntarily went to the front to help sick and wounded soldiers. In the USSR, volunteers went to the virgin lands and to collective farms for harvesting, worked on subbotniks.
