Mandatory payments are growing rapidly, but the salary is not keeping up with them. Each new item of expenditure causes panic attacks in people. Another surge of indignation in 2014 was provoked by the payment for overhaul, which began to be withheld from citizens living in apartment buildings.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that homeowners are required to accumulate funds that can be spent in the future on the renovation and restoration of an apartment building.
Most of the citizens were outraged by the next "extortion", people tried to shirk contributions, swear, write complaints. According to the law, only certain categories of citizens are allowed not to pay for major repairs (this will be discussed below), but almost everyone can minimize the cost of contributions, for this you need to know some of the nuances.
Overhaul: to pay or not?
All citizens of our vast country are probably interested in how legitimate the requirements for payment of contributions for major repairs are.
In apartment buildings, sewer pipe breaks, wall collapses and other emergencies often occur. Such cases not only unsettle people, but also cause human casualties. The state does not finance such issues, which means that homeowners, that is, you and I, should take care of safety and comfort. But is it legal? Do I need to pay for a major overhaul in 2018?
In simple and understandable language, then:
- according to Art. 169 of the RF LCD, residents must independently collect money for the repair of the house in which they live;
- according to article 157.1 of the RF LC, all homeowners must contribute funds for major repairs to a special fund;
- according to the law, for the overhaul of apartment buildings, it is allowed not to make payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of group I, low-income families and large families.
All other citizens are required to pay for major repairs. If this is not done, then the municipality will start calling by phone, as well as sending a notification to the homeowner that it is necessary to pay off the debt arising from the failure to pay for the overhaul.
The longer a person does not pay contributions, the more interest will have to be paid later. They are charged for every 30 days of delay.
If within 6 months the homeowner does not respond to the requests of the municipality, then the case is referred to the judicial authorities. During the proceedings, the person will have to prove that he did not pay the overhaul fees legally. If this does not work, then the citizen will have to pay not only the debt and accrued penalties, but also the money spent on litigation.
How to legally not pay for major renovations in 2018
It will not be possible to completely avoid paying for major repairs, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce this cost item. To do this, you can resort to the following tricks:
- To rent an apartment. This option is used by many. By renting out a living space, you can oblige tenants to pay for major repairs. After all, it is they who are currently living in the house, which means they must take care of their comfort and safety.
- Some residents of apartment buildings, in order to save the family budget, carry out restoration work on their own. With this approach, you will not be able to spend money at all, since you will have to buy materials and tools for work.
- Place a banner on the facade of the apartment building. This option is good for large cities. Residents get the opportunity to legally not pay for major repairs, thanks to the fact that the funds for placing the banner are sent to a fund that collects money for restoration and restoration.
As you can see, it is possible to legally refuse to pay for major repairs. The main thing is to try a little. If you simply do not contribute money due to personal unwillingness, then you can "earn" an administrative penalty.