To break into people is a loose concept. Someone means by this entering the university, someone - joining a political party, someone - "star", a large apartment in the center of Moscow and "Bentley" in the garage. Everyone has their own limit. But no one argues - it takes a lot of effort to get into people.

Step 1
If you look at those who have already made their way into people, you will notice a curious pattern: all these people have some kind of talents. For some, these talents seem to come to naught due to the fact that a person begins to make money on it and forgets about creative development as such; but there is no doubt that the real "stars", who are firmly established in the list of favorites of the people, most often achieve wealth and fame by their own labor. Therefore, start by finding and identifying to yourself all your virtues, qualities that are important for doing this kind of business, and all your talents and abilities. Understand how good and talented you are.
Step 2
Having decided on your talents, decide what the expression "break into people" really means to you. What "people" do you want to break into? What do you want to achieve? Where to get? What's your limit? You must decide for yourself. Choose the state in which you will live peacefully, and not designated and fixed by the stereotypical thinking of your contemporaries. After all, this is your life, and you can only live it once.
Step 3
Now it's up to you to choose the area through which you will try to break into people. Give, again, preference to the area where you are actually drawn. So it will be more interesting for you to work, and success will come to you much earlier if you, who are sincerely interested in architecture, go into business, leave a lot of money there, put in a lot of energy and end up with nothing. A lot can be achieved in architecture too.
Step 4
The next step is labor, labor and labor again. Wits, intelligence, knowledge, dexterity, but at the same time honesty, generosity, philanthropy - all this should work from day to day. If you decide to be successful, forget about hack-work and relaxation. You have to work hard. Remember: first you work for the name, then the name works for you. Therefore, the first period of your career will be the most difficult.
Step 5
When you get to the condition, when you can confidently say that you have reached your goal and made your way into people, do not relax, do not walk a lot, do not spend all the dollars you earn. Your name, your reputation, your wealth - it can all go away in a minute. Until the result is properly anchored, do not stop. When you understand that your position is secure, you can relax (without going too far!). If you do not take proper precautions, you can fall out of the "people" very easily, losing all the results of your hard work.