Wages are always relative. Today you can enjoy the money you receive, and next year you may not be able to provide for your family. The fact is that the economic situation in the country is constantly changing. So it becomes necessary to index wages in accordance with inflation, etc.

Step 1
According to article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employers are obliged to index wages, regardless of which form of ownership the given enterprise belongs to. If these requirements are not met, employees have the right to demand that their employers be held accountable.
Step 2
With the indexation of wages in state organizations, everything is clear - it is regulated by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. But in the case of private and commercial enterprises, the management should prescribe this item in special documents. When concluding an employment contract, specify this moment in advance, because often it remains only on the conscience of the leadership.
Step 3
So, prices for goods and services have increased, but wages have remained the same. It shouldn't be like that. Indexation of wages should be carried out by the amount of inflation. This is the easiest way to calculate new metrics very easily. Specifically, multiply your monthly wages by your inflation rate. The resulting result will become the "premium". For example, an employee's salary is 20 thousand rubles, inflation has reached 8. We calculate: 20,000 * 8% + 20,000 = 21,600 rubles.
Step 4
Index wages in March so that all employees can receive money in April. Such a decision is associated with summing up the results of the financial year, which ends at this particular time.
Step 5
If you are not satisfied with this method of indexing wages, go to the payment of annual bonuses. In most cases, such payments are referred to as the thirteenth salary. Its size is 50-500% of the salary.
Step 6
In the event that the employer does not plan to index wages, employees may require this procedure. In case of refusal, the employer risks receiving a fine, the amount of which is established by the court or the labor inspectorate (depending on where the employees applied).