When writing a resume, it becomes necessary to describe your own work experience. It is worthwhile to pay attention to filling out this section, since the first impression that a potential employer will form depends not least on the work experience of the applicant.

Step 1
According to the staff of recruiting agencies, the most interesting from the point of view of a potential employer is the work experience acquired by the applicant over the next five to ten years. Write the name of the organizations where you worked, indicate their field of activity, your position at each place of work, the range of duties that you performed. List the time during which you worked in each of the organizations. It is enough to write the month and year of the beginning and end of the work.
Step 2
When composing a resume in a text editor, indicate the addresses of the official Internet pages of former employers in a hyperlink format. When creating a resume on Internet resources related to job search, insert the page address in the appropriate field.
Step 3
If you're posting your resume on sites like SuperJob or HeadHunter, a form consisting of text boxes and drop-down menus will allow you to get formatted text. If you are creating a resume in a text editor, put the name of the organization and your position on a separate line. Space between blocks that describe experience in different locations.
Step 4
List the responsibilities that you have performed. Typically, five to six paragraphs in one line are sufficient. If your responsibilities were broad enough, list your organizational functions at the top of the list. Towards the end of the list, go to the list of performance responsibilities.
Step 5
If you are writing a resume to find a job for the first time in your life, you can indicate an internship or internship as a professional experience. Describe the internship that lasted more than a month in the format of one of the places of work, indicating its duration, the name of the organization, your position marked "internship" and the scope of work responsibilities.
Step 6
If your internship or internship was short term, please describe it in the Key Skills section of your resume. An additional touch to your portrait will be a listing of graduation and coursework topics related to the area of your future professional activity. Indicate them in the "Additional Information" section of the resume.