All spheres of people's lives are protected by the law in Russia, therefore, in order not to be deceived, it is enough just to get acquainted with modern legislation. Including labor.

Terms of employment
How many people have to take a new job every day? Before hiring a person, an employment contract is always concluded between the employee and the employer as provided for by Russian law. It is in such an agreement that all the requirements for the employee, his remuneration, the standard of working time, the conditions that the company provides for work and some other nuances are prescribed.
Working hours by law
Working time is a certain time period during which all employees fulfill the terms of the employment contract and their labor obligations. The total working time of each employee should not exceed forty hours per week - this implies approximately eight hours a day. An exception may be work in shifts, where the schedule can be calculated for 12 hours or 24 hours.
Work for a private person can last a week after a week from 8 to 22 hours.
The procedure for calculating the norm of working time
The working time is calculated for certain calendar periods, depending on the established working time per week. The norm is determined by the executive authority, in turn, it performs the functions of legal regulation in the field of labor, therefore all employers must keep track of the time worked by each employee and pay the corresponding money.
At any time, the executive authorities may require a special report from organizations.
How much is working time for different categories of workers
For ordinary workers, working hours should last no more than 40 hours, but besides them there are other categories that are not able to work at full strength for various reasons. For example, a shorter working day is set for teachers. It should not be more than 36 hours per week; for groups 1 and 2 of disabled people - 35 hours per week.
As for workers who are not yet 16 years old, the norm is set for them, which is 24 hours a week, for persons from 16 to 18 years old - no more than 35 hours, just like for disabled people. For workers whose workplaces are classified as hazardous industries of the 3rd and 4th degree of danger according to the results of the inspection, the working time norm should not exceed 36 hours. If an employee is obliged to go to work on their days off or stays on shift after working hours, in order to fulfill the order of the supervisor, these hours of work must be paid as overworked.