A resume sent by email is akin to a product catalog thrown into a mailbox. It will attract the addressee only if the offered services are really necessary for him, and the resume itself is remembered from the good side.

Step 1
Try to create a well-structured resume form. Separate one section of information about yourself from another with a line or indentation. Do not try to state information about your personal qualities in as much detail as possible, state dry facts, they will speak for themselves. Create a resume in Word, such a file can be opened on any computer.
Step 2
In the first part of the resume, provide brief information about yourself: last name and first name, place of birth and residence address, contact numbers and e-mail address.
Step 3
Indicate the purpose of writing and sending a resume, namely, getting a position in such and such a position. Do not write that you do not mind getting a job in a logistics and insurance company, in a bank or a consulting firm, these are too different organizations, even if you have experience in any of them. If you are sending your resume to a specific employer, clearly state the goal, for example, "Getting a job as a leading specialist in the corporate department."
Step 4
List your work experience in the next section of your resume. Start with your current or last job, write the exact title of your position. List the responsibilities that you have performed. Pay more attention to those that are directly related to your potential position in the new organization.
Step 5
Make a list of all educational institutions where you received your education. Start with the most recent. Write down exactly the name of the faculty, the specialty received.
Step 6
Indicate your skills in working with computer programs, and foreign languages that you know. Explain to what extent you own them.
Step 7
Tell us about your personal qualities. Focus on those that you think will attract a potential employer. You should not write on a resume whose purpose is to get a job as a specialist in the analytical department that, for example, you lose your will at the sound of a violin.
Step 8
Write a letter to the HR department of the organization you are considering as a future place of work. Write what exactly interests you and attach your resume. Do not write a multi-page text, the employer will be able to appreciate you and your professionalism in person. In the subject line, be sure to indicate which vacancy you are talking about.
Step 9
Email your resume, call the organization's human resources department and make sure your letter is received and not in junk mail (spam).