Many people want to make money online. Some find themselves in copywriting, others master programming, and still others are engaged in the resale of goods. Perhaps you could not master any of these areas, but you love to shoot your own videos and do not part with the camera. In this case, one well-known video hosting will help you. It remains only to find out how to make money on YouTube.
![How to make money on YouTube from scratch How to make money on YouTube from scratch](
Step 1
Many are familiar with YouTube, but few people know that you can get good money for your videos. At the same time, not just make money, but do it with pleasure.
Step 2
This type of earnings will not be complete without investments. First, you must buy good hardware to ensure the high quality of your videos. Secondly, you need to assert yourself. To do this, buy ads on well-known sites or from other well-known bloggers. Do not be afraid of high costs, over time everything will pay off and more than once.
Step 3
By itself, YouTube will not provide you with income, monetization on hosting occurs through affiliate programs. When you connect one of them, you will begin to receive your percentage of advertising, which you will allow to be placed in your videos. Every time viewers click on the ad or view it in your video, you will generate income.
Step 4
It is difficult for novice bloggers to find viewers, and if they are not there, then there will be no profit. Therefore, take care of the quality of your videos. If your videos are interesting, colorful, carrying a certain message, then people will subscribe to your channel. Let your friends and family be your first viewers. This support will help you grow your business.
Step 5
If you love being the center of attention, want to be popular and have a decent income, this is your dream job. If you are a notorious insecure person, a video blog will help you open up.
Step 6
Of course, doubts and failures await you on the way, but do not be afraid of them, just do not stop and constantly develop. Then you are guaranteed success.