Large companies need to send their employees to negotiate and resolve other issues to third-party organizations located in remote cities. The director of the company and the head of the structural unit need to draw up documents for a business trip. First, a service assignment is written, and then a business trip order is issued.

company documents, data of an employee sent on a business trip, A4 paper, computer, pen
Step 1
The decision to send a certain employee on a business trip is made by the first person of the company on the basis of a memorandum from the head of the structural unit. The purpose of the business trip is prescribed in the service assignment.
Step 2
Based on the service assignment, the director writes an order. In the header of the document, you must indicate the full name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual for an individual entrepreneur. In the middle of an A4 sheet, the name of the document is printed in capital letters. The order is assigned a personnel number and a publication date that corresponds to the date of the decision to send the employee on a business trip.
Step 3
After the phrase "send on a business trip", the order fields are filled in, intended for the data of the specialist. The manager indicates the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee sent on a business trip, the position held, the name of the structural unit in which the employee works. Next, the details of the organization to which the business trip is made (country, city, name of the enterprise) are written.
Step 4
According to the memo, the duration of the specialist's stay on a business trip, the date of the beginning and end of the trip (date, month, year) are written.
Step 5
On a business trip, an employee is sent to a certain organization with a specific purpose, therefore, it is necessary to briefly write it in the order, highlight the importance of the trip.
Step 6
The company must pay for the stay on a business trip to the employee, since the employee must be in another city on the business of the company. At the expense of what means the trip is made, it is prescribed in the order.
Step 7
This document is published by the director of the organization and, accordingly, signed by him, indicating his position, surname and initials.
Step 8
Personnel officers must familiarize the specialist sent on a business trip with the order. The employee writes his last name, initials, signs and the date of signing.