During the crisis, workers are increasingly faced with delayed wages. Whatever the management explains, you are required to pay your wages every two weeks. In all other cases, the management violates the Labor Code.

Try to solve the problems peacefully for a start and find out about the real reason for the delay in wages. To do this, draw up a written appeal to the management (director) of the company. The appeal is written in any form, your position, the size of the salary and the period of debt are indicated. Also ask for an answer in writing. Your correspondence with the management will be needed when contacting the Labor Inspectorate.
According to current legislation, if your salary is delayed for more than 15 days, you have the right not to go to work. To do this, you must notify the management of your decision one day in advance. Moreover, the salary for the period of your absence should be calculated on a regular basis. As soon as you receive a notice (or letter) that the debt has been cleared, you are obligated to start working.
To return your honestly earned money in the most difficult cases, contacting the Labor Inspectorate of your city or region will help. You can apply in person, send a letter by mail or leave an application on the site. It is written in a special form, which can be found on the official portal of the Labor Inspectorate. Your application will be reviewed within 30 days.
In the most extreme cases, you can contact the prosecutor's office or court. Moreover, in court, you, as an employee, are exempted from paying the state duty. And you can demand not only the payment of the detained money, but also compensation for compensation for moral damage.