A secretary is an office worker whose duties include receiving phone calls, knowing how to work with a computer, communicating with people, keeping business records and much more. There are many myths about the secretary profession - but what exactly is a good secretary?

Basic Skills
To work as a secretary, a diploma of a higher educational institution is not required - specialized courses are quite enough, where the future secretary learns business communication and etiquette, speed reading, office work, practical psychology, shorthand and typing. In addition, the courses teach the basics of working in 1C, and also teach how to use mini-ATS and office equipment. Without all these skills, a secretary cannot be considered a good worker.
It is also very important for a good secretary to have a subtle perception of the psychology of other people and be resistant to various stresses.
Since the secretary is the business person of the firm, he must have a pleasant appearance, a sense of style and good taste. Without the ability to dress beautifully, behave in society and speak competently, the secretary will not be able to create a good impression among the clients of the company in which he works - therefore, the company's image will not be up to par. In fact, the main task of a good secretary is to organize the work of his boss and the entire office efficiently and effectively.
Features of the profession
Many believe that a secretary's job is to make coffee, submit documents for signatures, and answer calls. This is a misconception - the duties of this profession include supervising the work of the reception, conducting business correspondence, participating in various office and branchless events, and communicating with nervous clients. In addition, a good secretary often serves as an office manager and even a psychologist who will be able to cool the situation in the team.
Often, secretaries-executives are called “gray cardinals” because they are able to invisibly influence the work of the company and the decisions of the boss.
Most often, women become secretaries, since they are emotionally more flexible and resilient. In addition, they are more sensitive - capturing the mood of the boss and the team helps a lot in their work. If the secretary is smart and professional enough, the manager can turn to him for advice and listen to him. It is the secretary who can facilitate the boss's work by organizing his workplace well and delivering the information he needs in time. At the same time, secretaries do not have career growth, since a good executive assistant is worth its weight in gold. However, as a result, the secretary acquires invaluable experience and knowledge of business processes, which in the future can help him start a career in another profession.