Administrative actions of the employer that are related to the labor activity of employees - hiring, dismissing, granting vacations, changing the scope of work, applying a penalty or announcing gratitude - are formalized by the orders of the management. For the correct management of personnel workflow, it is necessary to competently draw up, store and take into account orders.

Step 1
Identify a person in the organization who will be responsible for handling, storing and recording HR records. This can be the head of the personnel department or an employee of the personnel service, as well as the head of the company himself. Create an order for assigning duties to the employee, reflect them in the job description, familiarize the authorized person with the appointment.
Step 2
Prepare books for registering orders for personnel and main activities. Make the following entries in the order register: - serial numbers and dates of marks;
- serial numbers of orders;
- positions and names of persons approving the project;
- a summary of the orders. Strictly follow the procedure for assigning a serial number to each subsequent order, do not skip records and do not insert missing numbers. When making changes, perform actions similar to corrections in work books: do not erase, delete or paint over incorrect records. Write "entry from _ (day, month, year) number _ (ordinal number of entry) is invalid" and below make a note about the corrections.
Step 3
Determine a place to store forms and finished copies. Please note that orders are internal documents, they must be kept out of the reach of prying eyes. To familiarize yourself with the contents of the orders, invite employees directly to the personnel service or the personnel department, allow them to study the text and sign only in the presence of the person responsible for maintaining and storing the orders. As the best storage for such important documents, use a safe or fireproof cabinet, then you will reliably protect the inviolability of orders and forms of strict accountability.
Step 4
In accordance with the orders of the Russian Archive, keep the orders in the organization for the required number of years, and after the expiration of the period, complete the transfer of cases to the archive.